Here's what we were up to in 2013 ...
April - June


Sylvia and Russell attend a few movies during the Dallas Film Festival

Family gathering in McKinney for a big Easter dinner

Sylvia leads ninth annual children’s Poetry Round Up at Texas Library Association conference in Fort Worth


Russell's congregation celebrates its 90th anniversary with quite a festival

Then Russell and Sylvia leave for a trip to Bali -- Russell for a week, Sylvia for a month! while she leads events about children's poetry

Russell and daughter Emily attend graduation and commissioning for his brother Clay's daughter, Kathleen, at the Air Force Academy in Colorado


Sylvia returns from Bali just in time for nephew Zack's high school graduation, and then visits exciting Poetry, Texas!

Sylvia attends the funeral of her good friend Frankie Dungan

Russell and Sylvia cheer at one of 5 baseball games (Texas Rangers) and then drive to NOLA for an anniversary celebration and to donate to books to the New Orleans public library

On to the next quarter

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