Here's what we were up to in 2014 ...
Catch All

Sylvia served on her very first jury (one day, plaintiff lost)
We both attended memorials for friends gone too soon
We heard Jane Pauley speak in Dallas and saw Bernadette Peters perform, as well as B B King
Saw the Texas Rangers play baseball (only once this year! twice for Russell) and went to the State Fair of Texas AND the State Fair of Louisiana

We caught several amazing museum exhibits including the Indiana Jones exhibit in Fort Worth, the Perot Science Museum in Dallas, and the Mayans in Denver and a movie costume exhibit at the LACMA in CA

We regularly shopped estate sales and found fascinating goodies (and Russell sold many of them on eBay: highpoints include Concorde menus, TUMI rolling bags, plus many items from his Father's collections)
We gathered for a mini family reunion in Dallas in August and hosted the annual Berendzen Christmas Brunch (including Russell's Mother, Aunt, and Uncle) in December

Sylvia and her childhood friend Susan (who lives in Dallas now) hosted a wonderful ladies’ lunch for their two moms at Neiman’s downtown (just like they did together at age 12!)

Plus, we enjoyed many lunches and dinners and fun times with friends (that’s YOU!)

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year!


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