Here's what we were up to in 2015 ...
October - December


Russell and Sylvia leave for their “Lighthouses & Lobster” 40th anniversary cruise       and trip starting with a fun weekend in New York City and then on to Boston, Maine, Halifax (Nova Scotia), and St. John (New Brunswick)

Sylvia’s aunt Honey (Tante Hanni) arrives for three month-long visit

Sylvia returns to New York for USBBY conference

Sylvia heads to North Carolina to speak at librarian conference and then spends time with Emily and Brenda

Russell attends Bishop’s Convocation which he helped plan (and hosts ELCA Bishop Elizabeth Eaton)

Emily publishes her first book, The Medical Library Association Guide to Answering Questions about the Affordable Care Act.      Get a copy for your local library here.

Russell judges Lutheran campus ministry trivia night fundraiser


Sylvia travels to Columbus, Ohio for a one-day board meeting

Sylvia travels to Philadelphia, PA to present at a science teacher conference with Janet Wong and then to New Jersey where Emily meets them to work on Pomelo projects

Sylvia travels to Minneapolis to present at conference of National Council of Teachers of English

Emily and Brenda visit for Thanksgiving and we celebrate their engagement with family   

Alex joins us as well!   

Many of us make short trip to Shreveport   


Sylvia makes one-day trip of five flights (Dallas to Charlotte NC to Atlanta GA to Phoenix AZ to Los Angeles CA) to earn air miles that achieve AA Platinum status

Russell and Sylvia make trip to Los Angeles to visit his dad, to Vegas for fun, then back to LA for premiere of Star Wars: The Force Awakens   

Emily visits for two weeks at Christmas time

Alex completes all Masters course work and negotiates his degree Practicum with the Austin Film Festival in the Spring Semester   

Sylvia celebrates her 60th birthday by taking 20 friends and family members to see the new Star Wars movie at the IMAX followed by dinner at El Fenix     

(plus an earlier lunch at Cane Rosso for family followed by Daiso shopping spree)

We say goodbye to the lovely vicars, Katharina and Michael     as they return to Germany

The women of the family go wedding dress shopping with Emily and the first dress is the perfect one; Emily and Brenda have set a wedding date: Sept. 4, 2016

Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!

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