We continue to enjoy German vicars, Katharina and Michael Behrens for their year in Texas
RV and SV trip to Shreveport, then New Orleans
Sylvia speaks at meeting of Dallas school librarians
Saw season of plays at Theatre Three (starting each summer)
Russell goes to continuing education in New Braunfels
Sylvia speaks at meeting of Houston school librarians
RV and SV go to “quote along” showing of the movie “Serenity”
Sylvia attends Midwinter conference of American Library Association in Chicago (where many get snowed in, but not her!)
Russell goes to camp near Omaha, Nebraska for a church meeting
Handmade quilts are dedicated at church with bishop and former bishop in attendance
Russell reboots a new generation of the Parish Lay Ministry Academy
RV and SV make another trip to Shreveport to pick up a coupon for a free cruise
Snow day!
Sylvia's Cousin Doerte and her family traveling from their former home in Australia to their new home in Switzerland come for a wonderful visit (Emily and Alex, too)
More snow days!
Sylvia goes to “Walking Dead” convention with WD friends
RV and SV go to a Beach Boys concert