Here's some of what we were up to in 2017 ...
Fuller exposition soon

Temporary Entries

First two months of year, Alex in hospital in Austin with pancreatitis, plus another month recovering.

Russell attended annual theological confernece in Austin where one of the speakers was the president of the Lutheran World Federation.

Sylvia, Emily, and Brenda attend ALA convention and meet Congressman John Lewis.

We had a great visit from the Behrens, the German pastors who served in Dallas for a year.

Joined family in celebrating Russell's Aunt Jenny's 90th Birthday gathering.

Independent film used First United Lutheran Church for a scene. Watch for these costars!

A week after surgery. Alex insisted on joining in the Star Wars convention in Orlando.

In May, Emily graduated with her PhD from the University of North Carolina.

While in NC for the graduation, we went to Durham Bulls Star Wars Night game where Emily "trooped" as Rey.

We also investigated some Vardell sites in North Carolina.

Then Emily moved to Kansas to start as an Assistant Professor at Emporia State University.

Russell and Sylvia then went on a cruise to Alaska, including on to Canada by train briefly!

We also included a brief stay in Seattle including the Pop Culture Museum where we paused to honor Star Trek!

Sylvia got together with several of her Junior High friends for a weekend away.

For the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Sylvia and Russell journeyed to key Luther sites in Germany.

While there we headed for Sylvia's conference in Wroclaw, Poland, the childhood home of Sylvia's mother (when it was known as Breslau, Germany).

Along the way, we visited some of Sylvia's relatives -- Manfred & Elvira

and then to Switzerland for a brief time with the beloved Horn family.

Also, as part of the 500th celebrating, Russell made several presentations to DFW area groups on Martin Luther and Lutherans in Texas.

Sylvia became a great-aunt while Ingrid embraced her great-grandmotherhood!

Excited to sell the house in San Marcos where Alex lived during college and his first work year!

No, that is not a yarmulke, Russell fell and hit his head (lots of blood) while helping to prepare LWF school kits. He went to the quick clinic and made it back for worship!

Great to see Alex and Melissa in Dallas at Thanksgiving

Russell went to Berkeley, CA for mentor training for the TEEM program. We made a couple of extra stops in San Francisco.