Here's what we were up to in 2023 ...
July - September



We headed West after a flight to Salt Lake City and driving through Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, then stopped in Ennis, Montana for a quick visit with Russell's brother and his wonderful wife, Ava.

    Then, on to Janet's and Pomelo fun!

The next week we took the leap and closed on an Oklahoma City condo for reasons mentioned earlier.

Other trips there to OKONDO helped us finish the decorating and getting it ready for visitors!

In addition, a few gathered to remember and honor Russell's father who made the purchase of the condo possible.  



For much of the month, we took two back to back cruises around the British Isles, Ireland, Scotland, and then up to a circling of Iceland.


Our Ship


Checking out the Beatles in Liverpool!


with Jamie from Outlander at the Battlefield of Culloden


in Iceland Viking mode!



Certainly a year for travel, several times for Sylvia's IBBY commitment, including a trip this month to Spain. Russell visited seveeal museums during the meetings, but together we toured a little bit including the Musem of Jamon!


Then the 23rd we gathered for old style Dallas food at Norma's in Oak Cliff with several of Russell's cousins and their spouses.

Then we attended a winning Texas Rangers' baseball game, as they turned their season aound, preparing to win the World Series!

On the last day of September, we celebrated the Baptism of Reagan, the daughter of Sylvia's nephew, Ryan. Russell joyfully baptized her.


On to the next quarter

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