Here's what we were up to in 2015 ...
July - September


Quick trip to San Marcos for Alex’s 27th birthday and special anniversary screening of “Back to the Future
More Rangers games
Sylvia travels to NYC for weekend with Emily   , followed by working in New Jersey with Janet Wong and Sylvia conducting teacher workshop
Sylvia travels to St. Louis for presentation at conference of International Literacy Association (rides in a Tesla too!)   
RV and SV (and Katharina and Michael Behrens) travel to Atlanta for a week of continuing education and touring many “Gone With the Wind” sites   


Russell and Sylvia travel to Cape Town, South Africa    
for the conference of the International Federation of Library Associations   
, as well as speaking at various other venues while Russell meets with Lutheran pastors there, seeing special programs at work and then doing some side tours together too
Go to Yes and Toto concert with Arlene and Lee Graham


Gamma goes to North Carolina to visit Emily and Brenda
Russell conducts classes on foods of Luther’s time along with vicar Katharina   
More Rangers games (dollar dog night!); more theater nights
RV and SV make quick trip to Shreveport and score yet another free cruise coupon
RV and SV help Alex buy a new 2015 VW car after struggling with several used lemons    

On to the next quarter

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