Here's what we were up to in 2016 ...
July - September


Doerte and family come to visit


Sophie hosts big wedding shower for Emily and Brenda; We meet Brenda’s sister, Iveth, who comes too

Sylvia travels to Millersville PA to conduct week of poetry workshop

Russell attends Antiques Roadshow event in Fort Worth, courtesy of Sylvia's great friend, Susan

Sylvia's Mom has major oral surgery

Russell's brother (Eric Clay), his wife Ava, and daughters pass through Dallas for Tex-Mex food lunch with Russell and Clay's mother


Russell and Sylvia go to New Orleans (to donate more books), rent an apartment, Russell attends the ELCA's Grace Gathering, and they help Alex and Melissa scope out possible wedding sites

Russell and Sylvia travel to New Zealand for IBBY conference and extended sight-seeing including Hobbit movie set          

Russell has oral surgery

Sylvia has a reunion with junior high girlfriends

Sylvia travels to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to help with wedding preparations

Alex graduates with his master’s degree from Texas State University


Everyone gathers in Chapel Hill, NC for wedding of Emily and Brenda

Alex returns from the wedding to interview and get his first professional job as a Research Analyst for the Northeast School District of San Antonio.

Russell starts team teaching confirmation   

We assemble school kits for Lutheran World Relief at church

Sylvia travels to Bellingham WA for Poetry Camp   

Russell and his brother, Eric Clay, both visit their father, Karol, in Walters, OK. Above Clay's head in the picture is the slight depression in a field -- all that remains of the soddie where Karol's family lived about 1933.   

On to the next quarter

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